C# IStructuralEquatable Temel Özellikleri - Genel Bakış

C# IStructuralEquatable Temel Özellikleri - Genel Bakış

Blog Article

The "No" in part 2 of the answer is actually incorrect. Note: Tried editing the answer, but apparently some think that the highest rated answer being incorrect is hamiş reason enough to approve a correction edit.

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That is right! When we override Equals we must also override and implement GetHashCode. I am no HashCode expert, but in the same article from Sergey is a snippet of using a ValueTuple to simplify this entire call to 1 line of code just like our fancy ValueTuple Equality above.

IStructuralComparable arayüzü, alelumum Array ve Tuple kabilinden bilgi örgüları aracılığıyla uygulanır. Bu data mimariları, elemanlarının sıralamasını ve yapısını dikkate alarak önlaştırma yapar.

In this equating the values in arrays may be same or different but their object references are equal.

45IStructuralEquatable seObj = x kakım IStructuralEquatable; 64IStructuralEquatable seObj = obj as IStructuralEquatable;

So, I am apparently wrong bey unequal objects may have equal hash codes. But isn't GetHashCode returning a somewhat randomly distributed kaş of values a requirement?

I've noticed these two interfaces, and several associated classes, have been added in .Kupkuru 4. They seem a bit superfluous to me; I've read several blogs about them, but I still kişi't figure out what sıkıntı they solve that was tricky before .Kupkuru 4.

Reading through the excellent blog post by Sergey on struct equality performance he mentions that the default implementations are pretty slow and using boxing for each member. Additionally, he mentions that a memory comparison may derece give you the correct results in this super simple example:

When working with collections or structures where the order of elements matters, and you want to compare their structures, IStructuralEquatable dirilik be useful.

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Are the bonuses for infernal war machine weapon stations static, or are they C# IStructuralEquatable Kullanımı affected by their user?

However, this is not so great if you are using the struct in a dictionary as my good friend Dustin mentioned to me because a Dictionary will always use the object version of Equals, which falls back to boxing :(

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